In honor of Kant’s Tercentennial, there will be two events hosted and supported by Johns Hopkins University with additional support from NAKS, and co-organized by Lucy Allais, Andrew Chignell, and Katharina Kraus:
a. Staged Reading of Thomas Bernhard’s “Immanuel Kant” (March 8 and 10)
Meet Immanuel Kant! He’s traveling with his attentive wife on a steamship somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, near the same iceberg that sank the Titanic. He is on the way to America to receive an honorary doctorate from Columbia University and to have eye surgery. And he’s accompanied by his adored parrot who repeats everything he says (‘Imperative imperative imperative’).
What is reality and what is philosophy? Who is acting insane, and who sees clearly? And does the Enlightenment head us towards a new world or the iceberg?
More information, Register here
b. Conference “Kant and the World Today” (March 8-9)
Accompanying the staged reading of the play, there will be a symposium on “Kant and the World Today” at Johns Hopkins University on Friday, March 8, 4 – 6 pm, and Saturday, March 9, 2024, 9:30 am – 6 pm.
Keynote address: Pauline Kleingeld
Panel: Kant and Political Economy: Garrath Williams; Jordan Pascoe; Lucy Allais
Panel: Kant and Hope and Despair: Andrew Chignell; Laura Papish; Kristi Sweet
Panel: Kant on Universalism, Cosmopolitanism, Gender, Race: Stefanie Buchenau; Katharina Kraus; Jameliah Shorter-Bourhanou; Inés Valdez; Helga Varden
More information, Register here
Hosts: Johns Hopkins University, with additional support from NAKS
Organization: Lucy Allais (Hopkins), Andrew Chignell (Princeton), and Katharina Kraus (Hopkins)