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Call for Submissions

  • 16 Oct 2024 11:07 AM | Eli Benjamin Israel (Administrator)

    Submission deadline: February 1st, 2025

    Conference dates: October 17-19, 2025


    Conference Venue:

    Department of Philosophy, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada


    Emily Carson

    Nabeel Hamid

    Christian Leduc



    Concordia University

    McGill University

    Université de Montréal



    NAKS Biennial: October 17-19, 2025

    Languages: English and French

    Keynote speakers: Antoine Grandjean, Nick Stang, Rachel Zuckert

    There will be a symposium on Charles Parsons’ work on Kant’s Philosophy of Mathematics. There will also be an Author Meets Critics session on Samantha Matherne’s book, Seeing More: Kant’s Theory of Imagination (OUP 2024).

    Call for Submissions

    Submission Deadline: 11:59 pm EST on February 1, 2025.

    We aim to announce which papers have been accepted by April 1, 2025.

    Papers in any area of Kant’s and Kantian philosophy, from analytic, continental, or historical approaches, are welcome. 

    To submit a proposal, please submit (in .doc, .docx, or .pdf form):

    1. A cover page, including the title of the paper, word count, author’s name, brief bio, and contact information.
    2. A 3000-word paper, not including notes, prepared for blind review, accompanied by a 200-word abstract. 

    Please email all documents to

    • All papers should be suitable for presentation in 20 minutes.
    • All submissions will be anonymously reviewed; identifying information should be included only on the cover page.

    We especially encourage graduate student submissions. Graduate students should identify themselves as such on the cover page, which is a required component of the submission.

    NAKS will provide $300 travel award for the best graduate student paper and the author will be considered as a candidate for the annual Markus Herz Prize.



    Congrès biennal



    Date limite de soumission: 1er février 2025

    Dates du congrès: 17-19 octobre 2025


    Lieu du congrès

    Département de philosophie, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada


    Emily Carson

    Nabeel Hamid

    Christian Leduc


    Établissements partenaires:

    Concordia University

    McGill University

    Université de Montréal


    NAKS Biennal: 17-19 octobre 2025

    Langues : Anglais et français

    Conférences plénières: Antoine Grandjean, Nick Stang, Rachel Zuckert

    Pendant le congrès se tiendront un panel sur le travail de Charles Parsons en philosophie des mathématiques chez Kant et un symposium autour du livre de Samantha Matherne intitulé Seeing More: Kant’s Theory of Imagination (OUP 2024).

    Appel à communications

    Date limite: 23:59 EST le 1er fevrier 1 2025.

    Les résultats de l’évaluation des propositions seront annoncés d’ici le 1er avril 2025

    Les communications portant sur tous les domaines de la philosophie de Kant et le kantisme sont bienvenues, autant d’approches analytiques, continentales ou qu’historiques.

    Veuillez soumettre (en .doc, .docx, or .pdf form):

    • -          Une page de couverture, incluant le titre de la présentation, le nombre de mots, votre nom, une brève biographie et vos coordonnées.
    • -          Le texte de la communication en 3000 mots, sans les notes, préparé pour une évaluation anonyme, avec un résumé de 200 mots 

    Veuillez envoyer ces documents par courriel à

    • Toutes les présentations dureront 20 minutes
    • Toutes les propositions seront évaluées de manière anonyme. Les coordonnées doivent seulement apparaître sur le page de couverture.

    Nous encourageons vivement les étudiants de cycles supérieurs à soumettre une proposition. Les étudiants de maîtrise et de doctorat doivent obligatoirement s’identifier sur la page de couverture.

    NAKS octroie 300$ pour les dépenses de voyage de la meilleure communication étudiante. L’autrice ou l’auteur sera aussi considéré.e comme candidat.e au prix Markus Herz.

  • 14 Oct 2024 3:44 PM | Eli Benjamin Israel (Administrator)

    The Pacific Study Group of the North American Kant Society reserves one slot on its annual program for a contribution from a graduate student. The organizers hereby invite submissions of papers on any topic in the philosophy of Immanuel Kant from current graduate students.

    Submissions should be no longer than 7500 words, including footnotes and bibliography, and they should be emailed to PSG Chair Dai Heide ( no later than December 15th, 2024. Authors of submissions will be notified no later than January 15th, 2024.

    The author of the selected paper will receive a $200 travel stipend and have their paper automatically nominated for the Markus Herz Student Essay Prize, which is awarded annually by NAKS to the best graduate student paper delivered at a regional NAKS meeting or the NAKS Biennial.

  • 16 Sep 2024 10:07 AM | Eli Benjamin Israel (Administrator)

    Date: April 25-26, 2025

    Location: Louisiana State University at Alexandria

    Host: Holly L Wilson and the Louisiana State University at Alexandria Foundation

    Keynotes: Robert Louden, University of Southern Maine

    Oliver Sensen, Tulane University

    Submission deadline: January 6, 2025

    Notification: around February 1, 2025

    The Southern Study Group of the North American Kant Society (SNAKS) invites submissions for its annual conference to take place at the University of Louisiana at Alexandria, on Friday and Saturday, April 25-26, 2025. Our host this year is Holly L Wilson, Professor of Philosophy Louisiana State University at Alexandria.

    Keynote Speakers: Robert Louden, University of Southern Maine

    Oliver Sensen, Tulane University

    We welcome contributions in Kantian scholarship regarding Kant’s ethics and/or anthropology and/or education. Please submit abstracts of 750 to 1,000 words (excluding bibliography). Talks should be suitable for a 40 to 45-minute presentation.

    Submission instructions: Submissions should be prepared for anonymous review and include a word count. Please supply author name, affiliation, and contact information in a separate file. Graduate students should note this status in the contact information. Please send submissions to

    The best graduate student paper will receive a $200 stipend and be eligible for the Markus Herz Prize. Scholars from underrepresented groups in the discipline and graduate students are especially encouraged to apply.

    Papers already read or accepted at other NAKS study groups or meetings may not be submitted. Presenters must be members of NAKS in good standing.

    This year’s SNAKS conference is receiving support from the Louisiana State University at Alexandria CORE, and the North American Kant Society.

About us

The North American Kant Society (NAKS) was founded to promote Kant scholarship and research, the building of a global and inclusive community, and the exchange of information for all those interested in Kant, whether researchers, teachers, students, or simply Kant enthusiasts, whatever their backgrounds.  While primarily centered in North America, NAKS welcomes members from all areas of the globe.

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