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Graduate Student Travel Award

NAKS provides travel stipends of $300 to support graduate students attending NAKS events. These stipends help offset travel costs for eligible students presenting papers or chairing sessions at NAKS Study Groups, the NAKS Biennial, or NAKS APA Group Sessions:

  1. Best Graduate Paper Award: Awarded to the graduate student whose paper, submitted through an open submission process, was selected as the best paper for a NAKS Study Group Meeting.


      • Travel must be required (i.e., the recipient normally resides in a different city).
      • The recipient must be a NAKS member in good standing (i.e., have paid membership dues) at the time of submission.
      • Papers previously presented at other NAKS events are not eligible.

  1. Additional Graduate Travel Stipend: One additional stipend is available for a graduate student presenting or chairing at a NAKS Study Group, the NAKS Biennial, or a NAKS APA Group Session.

      • The applicant must either present a paper selected through an open submission process at a NAKS Study Group Meeting or the NAKS Biennial, be invited to present a paper at a NAKS APA Group Session, or be invited to chair a session at a NAKS Study Group Meeting, NAKS Biennial, or NAKS APA Group Session (priority is given to presenters over chairs).
      • Travel must be required (i.e., the recipient normally resides in a different city).
      • The applicant must be a NAKS member in good standing at the time of paper submission or invitation.
      • Papers previously presented at other NAKS events are not eligible.
      • Previous recipients of this stipend are not eligible to apply again.

How to Apply: Eligible graduate students should contact Daniel Sutherland at and Robert Clewis at, cc’ing the relevant NAKS Study Group, NAKS Biennial, or NAKS APA Session organizers.

The NAKS Executive Committee oversees award decisions and determines the timing of award distribution.

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